Why a gift certificate?
If you are not sure which present to give, a gift certificate provides the best solution.
With a gift certificate you offer someone the opportunity to spend an amount, determined by you, to purchase a product on the KragDag Markplein. In addition to the amount you can also include a specific product(s).
How to create a gift certificate?
- Make sure that there are no other products in your shopping cart.
- Complete the adjacent form and type your personal message to the receiver. Click on Add to cart to pay.
How will your gift certificate reach the lucky receiver?
- He/she will receive it by e-mail.
How does the receiver redeem you gift certificate?
- He/she visits the KragDag Markplein website and choose any amount of products.
- At checkout he/she enters the gift certificate code in the appropriate field and the gift certificate amount will be subtracted from the total amount. The person will then be able to pay the remaining balance in the normal way. If the purchase amount is less than the gift certificate amount, the person will be able to check out without providing any purchasing details.
- If the person did not spend the whole gift certificate amount, he/she will be able to spend the certificate on a next purchase until the the balance is exhausted. The certificate does not have an expiry date.
- The only limitation is that the certificate can not be used for a purchase that only consists of another gift certificate.